Independence Day-One of Finland’s most inspiring celebrations arrives every year on December 6
- 分类:新闻中心
- 发布时间:2019-12-06 01:21
摘要:Finland declared independence on December 6 of 1917, becoming a sovereign state.
Independence Day-One of Finland’s most inspiring celebrations arrives every year on December 6
摘要:Finland declared independence on December 6 of 1917, becoming a sovereign state.
- 分类:新闻中心
- 发布时间:2019-12-06 01:21
Finland declared independence on December 6 of 1917, becoming a sovereign state.
Finns learn at a young age that self-determination should never be taken for granted. This country worked hard to gain its freedom, and fought hard to keep it. They are reminded of this every year on December 6.
Blue and white candles symbolizing the colors of the Finnish flag will be placed on the windows of every household. Finns are generally in a good mood on this day, and like to eat a festive meal with family or friends. Numerous formal and informal social events happen throughout Finland. The President awards medals and decorations to several thousand people for outstanding achievements.
The Finnish Independence Day Gala is a long-running tradition among the Finns and friends of Finland in Shanghai. MPS is a proud sponsor of this Gala. Roy Herold from MPS HQ attended this event to celebrate Finland's independence.
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